May 16, 2007


Deep within my hungry soul

raged a tormented beast

Who yearned for freedom,

wings to fly;

its moaning never ceased.

In darkest hours of sullen nights

as shrouded as the dead,

Tears sprang up from my fragile wounds

and drowned me in my bed.

I cried out in vain.

The beast won again.

A fingertip 'pon dampened cheek roused me,

one night, from dream.

Although I feared another in my world,

I did not scream

But rather gazed into these eyes

that drew me to a sea

Embellished with angelic song.

With wings spread,

I was free.

The beast made no sound.

All sorrows had drowned.

Some kind of angel was this man

who freed me from torment.

My wings alighted '

pon a blissful breeze

his Love had sent.

No dread, no night, could haunt me now;

I'd banished Loneliness;

All thoughts of fear,

sad memories, now paled beside his kiss.

Entwined within my lover's arms

I no longer fear the night.

He's given me the wind;

he's opened up the cage.

I've taken flight.

From high above majestic oaks,

the world's a lonely place.

But all the hope I'll ever need rests

in my lover's face.

This Stranger crossed my path one day...

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