Psycis says:
"One of the most painful experiences a person can have is being emotionally attacked.
First of all, it is important to recognize this for what it is.
Being punched in the nose is obvious - we know we have been attacked.
With emotions, it is more subtle and more painful."
And it leaves us with a lot of questions.
When is it an emotional attack?
Do you feel sick to your stomach? Is your heart beating fast? Are you shaky or uncomfortable?
Your body's reaction is the first sign that you've been emotionally attacked.
Mystic says,
"Listen to your body. Whether it is a coworker, stranger, a relative or your own marriage partner, the feeling is the same - discomfort.
Even if the words are seemingly helpful and kind, an emotional attack is an attempt to take away your power and it will not feel good.
The moment you feel these inexplicable and unwelcome feelings, listen to them.
"Why does it hurt?An emotional attack usually takes us by surprise and comes from someone we have trusted (which is why it is so powerful).
Like a physical attack, an emotional attack can occur in the heat of the moment or it can be premeditated.
It leaves an emotional wound that can take many weeks, months and even years to heal.
Deal and heal Mystic says,
"Distance yourself from the situation and person. Reflect on what is going on, and most importantly do not ever doubt yourself."
More often than not, you will want to work out why you have been emotionally attacked to see if there was something you may have done to deserve this abuse.
Stop right there!
No one deserves to be emotionally attacked.
If you trust your intuition about being wronged, it's the first step toward healing.
Do I confront them?
After you have had time to reflect on what is going on,
Mystic says,
"Address the person directing this energy towards you. If they deny it or tell you it's in your head,
know that this is a defense mechanism they are using.
If a person cares for you,
they will apologize for making you feel bad and they will not do it again!"
If they do not apologize, this may be someone you don't want in your life.
I still feel bad!
An emotional attack can result in feelings of heartbreak, betrayal and sadness, which can take a very long time to fade.
After it happens, it can sometimes be hard to trust people again!
If the attack has resulted in the severing of a relationship (platonic or romantic), you may go through all the feelings of a break-up.
Give yourself time to heal.
Part of loving and offering your friendship to others can also open you to emotional attack by those who are unworthy of you.
As we go through life, we become more adept at discerning, but not immune to, those who may abuse our trust.
The only safeguard is to honor the self.
As Mystic says,
"When we truly honor ourselves, we are safe from emotional attacks. Meditating on this truth and integrating this mantra into our being is our own inner safeguard, protection and natural right as a human being."
Distance yourself emotionally....
"If you are emotionally attacked, try to remain as calm as possible by staying centered emotionally,"
psychics advises.
"It may help to try and distance yourself emotionally and realize that when someone is attacking you emotionally,
the issue is often times more about the other person than you.
In other words, the other party may be having a bad day or have insecurities about themselves that they are projecting onto you.
If you can look at them as people who are reacting from their own emotional baggage, then it will not have as big of an effect on you and maybe no effect at all."
1 comment:
Thank you Rosie, I. have been going through this for the past three years. Reading your blog and personal description was like reading my own life.
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