April 4, 2007

I hate changes!

I can't help but say it bluntly: I hate changes!!! I guess everybody does to some extent but.. today I learned about one more change that is about to happen and I am not at all happy about it ...
Why can't some things just stay the same (or get better) instead of getting worse?
Just one small thing in years that I really wanted for myself, for my sanity, and I am not even granted this little favor ...
I guess I hate changes as much as not knowing what the future (at least concerning certain key aspects) may have in store for me ... (even though, I have to admit, sometimes it can be nice not to know what is just around the corner ...)
I just hope that despite this huge change that is about to happen, not everything will break down. Let's just hope that what keeps me going will still factor in some way or another ...''
I know that earlier i was talking about how everything happens for a reason ... but ... i just can't think positive right now ... am way too anxious and worried about everything and feel too much like crying ... !

Thinking about it for a while ... I guess there even IS an explanation why I seem to increasingly hate changes ... I guess the older I get....and hopefully wiser..!:-)the fewer people I meet who really enrich my life.. ! You know, smart - sometimes even brilliant - people with a sense of humor whose company you really enjoy and appreciate ...... ?And I guess it is just human to want to hold on to these few people who you think irreplaceable and precious enough to want to keep around ...

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