February 20, 2007

Changes...How time flies!

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understanding
with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile,
leave footprints on our hearts,
and we are never ever the same."

It's just sort of weird to think how much changed in just a couple of years.

Like where in the world has the time gone? Just a couple of years ago we were together and happy. Ok I should say happyISH. . .! Those who knew us well knew that we had some horrible times but at the same time things were not that bad either, or at least i thought they were't !

Now he's totally changed and indiffernet towards me and my feelings, almost as if like a stranger, who never knew me at all! and to think in just a few months we will probably not even remain a couple anymore....is daunting, to say the least!

Isnt it strange, how one gets used to living life in a perticular way...or get accoustomed to certain things and situations, that living it differnetly or otherwise beyond a certain point is incomprihentionable untill things and situations are actually thrown in or at your face due to various circumstances!

Life is so strange and complicated...at times..

I guess its all part of 'growingup/maturing, so that we learn to adapt ourselves to various aspects and situations in life....and toget out of our 'comfortzone'.

Learning to except the unexpected... and be happy with whatever you receive or get is what life is all about i guess.

In someways...a little unpredictability is good i guess, otherwise life would be so boring! I'm glad that life happens the way it does. You never know whats going to happen.

We just get to figure out our path and try to stay afloat it/abreast it and finally submerge with it/in it...

Just be ready to accept whatever comes our way, good or bad .....and learn to 'live in the moment', and live it to the fullest.........is the secret to real happiness, is what i turuelly feel and believe now!

We all have come on earth to learn something, i have no doubt about that; but how quickly we learn to adabt to the GOOD and the BAD, and how quickly we learn or gain something from our mistakes...so as to not repeat it again....is the answer to salvation !

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